一直以为ak这本书是个噱头,认真读了几章被ak的执着和真诚感动,就像每一首呛红的歌曲一样。呛红从不掩盖什么,也从不修饰什么。就是那么自然的流露,甚至不管这种流露会不会和下流或者低速划等号。他们心里有童年的英雄,jimi Hendrix,Magik johnson,甚至是那些让他们手淫的艳星,他们从不掩盖这些“世俗”欲望,反而是把他们堂而皇之的摆上桌台,就是那么趾高气昂就是那么无所畏惧。包括我说了很多次喜欢他们走调,他们就是走调走音,怎么样,ak五音不全,摇头晃脑的唱着那些有关性,女人,毒品,友情的歌曲,是如此的光明正大,他就是这个星球最性感最有魅力的主唱,比那些受过良好教育永远不走调会认五线谱的歌者直接的多。
Publishers Weekly
サクセスストーリーの核心には触れられていないが、彼の率直な態度には心を動かされる。特に終盤にかけては、自らの過ちの告白が、真剣な治療・更生の報告へと変わっていく(キーディスは、4年近くアルコールもドラッグをも断っている)。全体的にみると、マリリン・マンソンの同種の自伝ほど歯切れはよくないが、薬物を使用していた幼少期、名声を手にした思春期、苦労して手に入れた成人期を描いたキーディスの物語は、ドリュー・バリモアの『Little Girl Lost』のファンには訴えるものがあるだろう。
Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
From Publishers Weekly
For a musician who has spent the better half of his life either intoxicated or on a drug high, Kiedis, the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, has produced a surprisingly detailed account of his life. Raised in the 1960s and '70s by a drug dealer father who first introduced his preteen son to drugs by mashing them into bananas, the high school delinquent and UCLA dropout seemed destined for a life of rabble-rousing until his high school band—cofounded by close friends Michael "Flea" Balzary and Hillel Slovak—took off and became one of the most popular groups of the 1990s. Though he peppers his book with little known facts (for instance, the author narrowly missed being named Clark Gable Kiedis), the punk-funk rocker dedicates too few pages to his introspective music-writing process and too many to his incessant drug use and revolving door of girlfriends (which included actress Ione Skye, singer Sinéad O'Connor and director Sofia Coppola). But while Kiedis fails to scratch beneath the surface of his fast-lane life, his frankness is moving, especially toward the end of the book, when his mea culpa turns into a full-blown account of recovery and redemption. (Kiedis has been sober for almost four years.) Though not generally as articulate as Marilyn Manson's similar autobiography, Kiedis's story of childhood drug use, adolescent fame and hard-won maturity will strike a chord with fans of Drew Barrymore's Little Girl Lost.
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